Horses At Heart celebrated the Trailblazer program with a musical ride by students from Tommy Douglas High School Community Class. This program, funded through a grant from Employment and Social Development Canada provided at-risk youth an opportunity to engage in community mental wellness support initiatives. Kim Weston, York Region School Board teacher said, “We’re all so proud of the progress they’ve made and the smiles we’ve seen. Having the chance for our students to get comfortable with the horses and risks at their own pace made each step, from petting or feeding or riding the horse. I’m so glad that some of the parents got to see them in action this week. The smiles we’ve seen throughout the 12 weeks speak volumes about how proud they are of themselves, too. Which is just the best part of it all.”. The Trailblazer program ran from 2019 to 2023 and Horses At Heart Executive Director Deborah Weiss notes that “It’s not what they do, it’s how they feel about what they do that counts. This approach applies to all confidence-building activities but it’s especially borne out when doing activities with people with neuro-differences.” Some students are eager to ride a horse on their first sessions while others are happier to climb the mounting block and just pet the horse. In the Horses At Heart programs, no one is pressured to go further in the equine experience than what they choose in the moment. The objective is to have a positive experience and to meet each child where they are.
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